Emily Gossett
Silver City FFA 2023-24 National Western Region Vice President Emily Gossett was thrown into an ag class and soon found a passion for agriculture. “I was able to lean into my individual skills and learn about my unique place in agriculture.”
While in FFA, she participated in state finals for Creed speaking, where she learned how to get up, dust herself off and keep going! This year, Emily wants to love, serve and celebrate every person she encounters. “One of my favorite quotes is, ‘We can’t love people we don’t know,’ I want to love every member,” Emily said. |
Caleb Gustin
Moriarty FFA 2014-15 National Western Region Vice President "FFA offers so many different arenas for members to shine. Helping someone find his or her arena is something I find rewarding and motivating. As a national officer, I want to help influence and motivate students to begin with the end in mind and achieve what they set their minds to. I hope to make a very real difference in the lives of students throughout our organization." From Office Bio & Press Release, November 2014 |
Ryan Best
Elida FFA 2011-12 National FFA President “I was first inspired to join FFA at the encouragement of my family. My family has been involved with FFA for three generations, beginning with my granddad.” “My granddad Wendell Best, earned his American Farmer Degree in 1951 at the 24th National Convention. My father and sisters were district officers in FFA, so my jacket meant that I was continuing with a tradition which has shaped my family into who we are.” From “FFA New Horizons” magazine, Spring 2012 & Summer 2012 |
Shannon Norris
Cliff FFA 2010-11 National Western Region Vice President “Growing up on a beef cattle ranch in the tiny town of Cliff, NM, Shannon Norris learned the importance of hard work and community involvement at an early age. She joined FFA in the seventh grade, and since then, has participated in the livestock, horse and wool evaluation career development events (CDEs) and public speaking. Shannon also showed market lambs and raised purebred Angus and Shorthorn cattle for her supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program.” From “FFA New Horizons” magazine, August 2011 |
Paul Moya
Los Lunas FFA 2008-09 National President “Paul was raised on a small family farm in central New Mexico, where they raise alfalfa. He comes from an FFA family: his older brother and sister were both members, his dad is an FFA advisor, and his mom attends most FFA events as a supporter… ‘My father was an FFA advisor, and I went to my first New Mexico FFA State Convention at 8 months old. So I guess you could say FFA is in my blood. As a little boy, I couldn’t wait to start high school, join FFA and get my very own flashy blue corduroy jacket!’” From “FFA New Horizons” magazine, February 2009 |
Stuart Joy
Artesia FFA 2005-06 National Western Region Vice President “Stuart’s Five Secrets to Success: having dreams that challenge me to be better every day, striving to keep a positive attitude and seeing the good in people and things, believing in myself and my ability to make a difference in the world, seeking the wisdom of those who have gone before me, and investing my time and energy in serving the needs of others” From “FFA New Horizons” magazine, February 2006 |
Marshall Baker
Texico FFA 1999-2000 National Western Region Vice President “Spending time with members is my absolute favorite part of being a national officer. I have danced my legs off, met so many new friends, worked with amazing state officers and witnessed students achieving their dreams. What more could you ask for?” From “FFA New Horizons” magazine, May/June/July 2000 |
Bill Caraway
Clovis FFA 1983-84 National Secretary “Bill was involved in both production agriculture and agribusiness for his SOE program. He raised beef, poultry, sheep and swine, and also worked as farm director for KCLV radio and KMCC television in Clovis, where he is a member of the Clovis FFA chapter. Bill has participated in numerous judging and speaking contest throughout his FFA career, taking top honors at the 1981 national FFA extemporaneous public speaking contest.”
From “The National Future Farmer” magazine, December – January 1983-1984 |
Hunt Zumwalt
Artesia FFA 1953-54 National Secretary “Hunt has a quarter-interest in 15 Sections of ranchland where registered Hereford graze. A former vice-president of the New Mexico FFA Association, Hunt was also selected as the Star State Farmer of New Mexico in 1951”
From “The National Future Farmer” magazine, Fall 1953 |